Sunday, November 15, 2015

Mercedes Maintenance Journal

Real Men can Fix Mercedes!

November 12, 2015

Discover my Mercedes still has original tools kits and radio works.  Trying to find out if the radio unit will lock up when battery is disconnected.  Got spare tire out, it's bald, and loosed front lug nuts on flat tire.  Check air pressure of spare tire and got my battery charger back from landlord.

Nov 13

Charge battery.  Change front tire, oil threads.  Looks like front wheel bearing have been service.  Took pictures of everything, there is going to be some rust restoration.  Found out there is no air filter and one of the fuses is blown( thee rest look good).  Added coolant and oil before trying to start.  NO LUCK!
Still will not start, going to check fuel to engine, check fuel pump, and change fuel filter. Started to clean engine bay, I change the flat tire, and I am charging battery. 

Nov 15

Remove battery and checked relays.  The Overload Voltage relay needs replace.
Has 2 fuel pump relays;
Plan to replace 2 fuel pumps, fuel filter, and fuel accumulator;

Nov 16

Try to remove left rear tire, rusted on to brake rotor
Finally got it off!
Tried to remove fuel pumps cover but didn't have right sockets.
Left rear brake

 Nov 17
Research the diagnose socket

Nov 18
Remove fuel pumps cover

It is going to be hell to loosen those fuel lines
I going to wire brush and oil the fitting first.  Did drain 2 gallons of gasoline from tank.

Nov 19
Inspect the engine Bosch CIS fuel injection

Nov 21
Received 10 inches of snow, Mercedes repair is on hold.  Researching parts and budget.

Nov 25
  Snow melted.
Loosen fuel line to fuel distributor, going to check if fuel pumps work.  Rub oil inside of back tire rim and brake rotor.

Nov 26
It Feels Good
Driver's window need fixed, doesn't go up or down
 Might need to change window switch

The radio still works even after the battery was disconnected

Nov 29
Use jumper wire on fuel pump relay socket at #30 & 87, got fuel deliver to fuel distributor, tried to start - no  fire :(  Pull #1 spark-plug, look bad).  Plan on replacing all spark-plugs, distributor cap and rotor.  Also plan to  change fuel filter and add new gasoline.
Should order new fuel pump relay and Over load relay, and plastic relay/ECU cover(p/n #124 626 1630).

Dec 18, 2015
After changing 6 sparkplugs and new air filter.  It started!  I can fix anything!

Dec 20
Took my new car, 1989 Mercedes 300e, for 4 mile test drive; it runs hot, very fast, rides smooth. Need to fix heater hoses next. 

Change upper radiator hose and found why engine gets hot, oil mix with coolant.  

 Possible bad head  gasket

Dec 21
Need to change radiator, while at it I am going to change other parts;

Radiator "Behr"                                                               $200
radiator mounting kit                                                            15
lower radiator hose                                                              26
radiator hose elbow (on Top)                                                  3
Heater hose from radiator to auxiliary water pump                 29

Clutch fan hub                                                                     95
cooling fan resistor "Behr"                                                    22
Belt tensioner                                                                       65
belt tensioner shock                                                              38
idler belt pulley                                                                     29

Oil  10w-40                                                                         26
Anti-freeze                  2 gallows                                           26
Transmission fluid                                                                 16

Oil filter                                                                                 5
Oil filter wrench                                                                    20
Jack stands                                                                           25
Drain pan                                                                              10

Estimate costs                                                                  $675

For now I am just going to flush cooling system and change engine oil.  Reinstall with new heater hoses

Dec 22
Removed coolant reservoir and drain radiator

Dec 23
Flush out radiator, reservoir, and hoses with hot water.  Reinstall everything, fill coolant, test drove - runs cooler now.  Need to change oil,  oil filter is 65mm or 2 1/4in (need wrench)

Dec 26
Outside temp 35 degrees
Remove fuse cover to get access to relays, need to order more fuses.  Pulled power window relay and sand contact.  Hint use screwdriver with screw holder.
Need to flush out coolant system again,

Jan 23, 2016
    Been driving for 2 weeks but only 5 miles before it gets too hot.

Key get stuck, get the tumbler remove and starting it with screwdriver until new replacement.

June 23, 2016

    Replace work table top,
    Check out new air hose and tools; I need better blow gun.
Tried to start car but no luck, might be fuel pump relay or just plain low in gasoline.
Going to try jumper wire across # 30 and #87 @ relay.
Need to fix driver's door windows.  But the Radio now works!

Update:  clean corrosion around Voltage Overload Relay and fuel pump relay contacts, this amazing care started right up!